A strong team is the foundation of a successful business, so you must staff your company correctly. A good employee is more than their experience; a good employee is also defined by the skills and traits they add to the company culture. Check out these three things on how to staff your business for success!
Is a New Hire Necessary?
The first step in hiring a new employee is establishing the need for one. Analyze your business and look for the gaps that need to be filled. Does a new role need to be created, or does an existing role just need more support?
Sometimes when some projects are falling behind, we mistake that for needing a new employee to fix that, when a reallocation of existing roles could solve the issue. Hiring someone new is costly, so make sure the decision is necessary! An employee adds so much value to an organization, more than just completing tasks, so be sure you are using your talent in the best way possible for new and existing employees.
Make the Position Clear
Once you establish the need for the role, you must advertise the position. Crafting the perfect job description is one of the most overlooked parts of the hiring process. The description is what tells possible employees what you are looking for, and it will attract people who think they are capable of the job. It’s also a form of a “first impression,” so make sure you are managing expectations.
Start with the basics about the job and the necessary skills a suitable applicant will need to have. Suppose you are looking for a software engineer, for example; start by listing essential skills required to complete the job, such as Java or Python. After all the essential job necessities are covered, consider how a potential candidate will fit into the company culture.
Doing the job is one part of being a good employee, but the other part is being a good teammate and someone who can fit well with your existing team. Every aspect of the job should be laid out from culture to tasks so that no one gets surprised. Someone can have all the required skills and can be very experience but may not be the employee that works with your business.
Get a Diverse Selection of Candidates
When selecting candidates for the position, try to get a diverse pool of applicants. If your applicants are overwhelmingly homogeneous, you may need to reconsider where you are soliciting applications. Diversity means more than just race and demographics - it also means hiring a variety of people with different strengths, personalities, and behavior traits! Although one candidate may have less experience than another, they may be a better culture fit for your company.
With any role, there is no perfect fit, so try not to have a strict idea of who you are willing to hire. It doesn't hurt to interview a few people with unique backgrounds to see if they could fit in the role. Keep an open mind and be patient! The final process of picking the new hire is timely but worth it. Hiring the wrong employee can be costly and time-consuming, so make sure you take the time to choose the right person!
BONUS TIP: Work with Vega Inspired Solutions During the Hiring Process
Vega Inspired Solutions has helped countless business leaders make the best hiring decisions. VIS specializes in optimizing “people data,” building teams that don’t burn out, and maximizing cooperation and productivity. Give us a call today, or contact us here!